Top attractions daytrip with a visit to 13.century Padise monastery

Short half-day daytrips from Tallinn by Carmen reisid 4Travel
Bestseller half-day daytrip that takes only 3h 45 minutes is the Ancient Ruins and Castles daytrip. It starts from Tallinn and we will then visit in Tallinn the beautiful von Glhen park with the ruins of old palm house. Followed by drive to Rummu, wich is is a true hidden gem as it hosts interesting quarry. Finally we will visit the 13th centuryPadise monastery(includes a church) and its surroundings. With just 3 interesting stops you will also hear about Estonia and discover the Estonian countryside. This daytrip is available all year around.

Carmen Kressa
Carmen reisid 4Travel

Tallinn Day Trip The Hidden Gems of Northern Estonia
Carmen reisid 4Travel daytrip offer August

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